Maximizing Your AC Efficiency After a Tune-Up

Learn how to maintain maximum efficiency after an AC tune-up with these tips from experienced HVAC technicians! Find out how regular maintenance visits can help keep your AC running at its best.

Maximizing Your AC Efficiency After a Tune-Up

Maintaining the efficiency of your air conditioner (AC) after a tune-up is essential for keeping your home comfortable and energy bills low. There are several steps you can take to ensure your AC is running at its best. Unblock and vacuum vents, close all doors and windows, and clean the outside of the condensing unit. Keep all heat-producing appliances away from your thermostat and repair any leaks in your attic, around your windows, or under your doors. One of the most important tips for central air efficiency is to keep the compressor and condenser coils clean.

This is part of a setup, so you don't have to open the system if you invest in professional services. However, the coils can get dirty, meaning they will have difficulty absorbing heat effectively. You can clean the evaporator and condenser coils with a garden hose, but be careful not to get any electrical connections wet. When cleaning the coils, inspect the fins, as they are delicate and bend easily.

If you notice any bent fins, simply straighten them with a fin comb. In addition, you should remove any grass, weeds, or old winter leaves that accumulate near the air conditioner and avoid gardening less than two feet from the unit. Items should not be stored near the external compressor, as anything that blocks air flow makes the system less energy efficient. Filters remove dust, hair, and other particles from the air so these contaminants don't spread throughout the house. You can improve the air quality inside your home and consume less energy by changing your HVAC filter every 30 days.

Clean filters let more air through, allowing the system to heat up and cool more efficiently. For most systems, filters with a MERV rating between seven and 13 offer an excellent balance between filtration capacity and maximum airflow. The average lifespan of an air conditioning system is between 15 and 25 years. Several variables can increase or decrease that time frame, such as the type of system, the brand and the consistency of maintenance. If you take care of your heating and cooling system with diligence, you'll maximize its lifespan and maintain greater efficiency over a longer period of time. If you're wondering how to make your air conditioner more efficient while using an older unit that's decades old, it's almost certain that the most effective way to reduce your cooling bills is to invest in a completely new air conditioner.

Another way to improve air conditioning efficiency is to check the condensing unit wiring for signs of overheating or wear. For example, a slow refrigerant leak in the air conditioning system can result in an expensive compressor failure, but the owner doesn't have the tools or skills necessary to check refrigerant levels. However, you can improve the efficiency of your unit by replacing damaged or rotten insulation around outdoor air conditioning lines. Due to the fact that air conditioning problems are often caused by negligence, regular air conditioner maintenance can significantly extend the life of the system, prevent breakdowns and reduce utility bills. Keep in mind that if an HVAC contractor completes refrigeration maintenance in less than an hour, this is probably not a comprehensive evaluation.

During a maintenance visit, an air conditioning technician will evaluate the cleanliness, condition, and efficiency of the fan motor to ensure its proper functioning. When certain parts of the air conditioner are not cleaned regularly, the entire unit has to work harder and use more energy to create the comfortable environment you want, which is important to consider whether you have central air conditioning or if you are looking to increase the efficiency of your window air conditioner. If you have an older air conditioning unit, an air conditioner maintenance visit will reveal the age and general condition of your home's air conditioning system. Consider scheduling two seasonal HVAC adjustments each year - one in spring for AC and another in fall for heating - to keep your system running optimally. Perform an annual tune-up just before cooling season begins to avoid an AC repair during peak times. An HVAC professional who tests electrical components such as capacitors will help ensure maximum efficiency. While these steps will help keep your AC in optimal condition, keep in mind that there are maintenance items that only a trained HVAC technician can perform.

An HVAC professional will clean and tighten all thermostat wires; replace filters; clean condenser coils; check refrigerant levels; inspect wiring for signs of overheating or wear; straighten bent fins; remove debris from around outdoor units; and ensure all components are working properly. By following these tips on how to maintain AC efficiency after a tune-up, you can ensure that your home stays comfortable while keeping energy costs low. Regular maintenance visits from an experienced HVAC technician will help keep your AC running at its best for years to come.

Reginald Balogh
Reginald Balogh

Award-winning coffee geek. General food maven. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil analyst. Hardcore food advocate.