Is My AC Unit Still Covered by Warranty and Does it Include Tune-Ups?

Are you wondering if your HVAC system is still under warranty? Learn more about what warranties cover and how to find a reliable HVAC service provider.

Is My AC Unit Still Covered by Warranty and Does it Include Tune-Ups?

Are you wondering if your HVAC system is still under warranty? If your system is over five years old, chances are it still has an active warranty. To check this, simply go to the manufacturer's website and enter the serial number of the unit. The information should appear right away. Generally, the manufacturer's warranty covers any component of the machine that is branded with the HVAC name. The labor warranty will cover service charges, labor costs, and fees associated with installing that part.

In other words, the manufacturer's warranty covers only parts and the workmanship warranty covers any gaps. It's important to understand what your warranty covers and what it doesn't. For instance, some warranties may not cover tune-ups or maintenance services. It's best to read through the terms of your warranty carefully to make sure you know what is and isn't covered. If you're unsure about anything, contact the manufacturer directly for clarification. If you're looking for a reliable HVAC service provider, make sure they are certified and have experience working with your particular brand of HVAC system.

This will ensure that any repairs or tune-ups are done correctly and that your warranty remains valid.

Reginald Balogh
Reginald Balogh

Award-winning coffee geek. General food maven. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil analyst. Hardcore food advocate.