5 Common Misconceptions About Air Conditioning Tune-Ups Debunked

When it comes to maintaining air conditioning and heating units, there are many misconceptions that can lead to costly repairs and poor indoor air quality. The JW team has debunked five of the most common myths about home air conditioning tune-ups so you can be inf

5 Common Misconceptions About Air Conditioning Tune-Ups Debunked

When it comes to keeping your air conditioning and heating units in top condition, there are many misconceptions that can lead to costly repairs and poor indoor air quality. To help you stay informed, the JW team has debunked five of the most common myths about home air conditioning tune-ups. It is essential to remember that air conditioning and boiler tune-ups should be done at the start of the summer and winter seasons, respectively. However, the indoor temperature also depends on the quality of insulation, any gaps or cracks in walls and floors, and the energy efficiency of the current system.

One myth is that if you wait until your air conditioning unit stops working before calling for help, you will end up with more expensive repair bills and a unit in poor condition. This is why it is important to have regular maintenance done on your unit. Another misconception is that if you install a new air conditioning filter and forget about it for months, you are not only overloading your air conditioning equipment but also not breathing the cleanest indoor air possible. It is essential to regularly change your filter to ensure optimal performance and air quality.

It is also a myth that if your thermostat is in an area where sunlight hits directly, it will read the temperature of the room above what it actually is and turn off the air conditioner when you still need it to work. To avoid this issue, make sure your thermostat is not in direct sunlight. Finally, some people believe that all air conditioning systems in Los Angeles have the capability to cool multiple rooms at once. This is more common in commercial properties, but not all domestic air conditioning systems have this capability.

Reginald Balogh
Reginald Balogh

Award-winning coffee geek. General food maven. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil analyst. Hardcore food advocate.