Does an AC Tune Up Include Freon? A Comprehensive Guide

One of the most important items on a checklist for an air conditioner tune-up is checking freon levels and adding more if necessary. Learn more about why this is important and what else is included in a regular AC tune up.

Does an AC Tune Up Include Freon? A Comprehensive Guide

One of the most important items on the checklist for an air conditioner tune-up is to check freon levels and add more if necessary. This is essential because freon helps cool the air that enters the home. If levels are low, the air conditioning unit can work harder and reduce its effectiveness. It is important to note that an air conditioner tune-up does not include freon.

Your air conditioner does not consume freon to keep running. The refrigerant in the air conditioner is autonomous and must not leave the system. When the system ages and the parts break down, sometimes the air conditioner loses freon or refrigerant. At this point, an HVAC technician will need to repair the air conditioner leak and then fill the refrigerant to keep it at the specified pressure level.

All air conditioners use special chemicals called refrigerants to collect heat from indoor air and transfer it to the outside. Refrigerant levels decrease over time and need to be refilled before the air conditioner can do its job. As part of a tune-up of the air conditioner, the technician will check the current refrigerant levels and refill them if they are low. A cooling contractor will carefully remove the condenser fan and clean the inside of the condenser unit.

They remove dirt and debris, and clean the condenser coils with water. The heating and air conditioning share the same condensation line, so it's also important to adjust the heating before winter. While air conditioners are designed and tested to perform reliably for years, an annual tune-up can be key to keeping your HVAC system running at peak performance and helping to extend its life expectancy. In addition, you will feel less stressed, as a tune-up of the air conditioning can help extend its life, since it allows you to detect small problems before they become serious issues.

The duration of the cooling setup depends on the degree of maintenance being performed and the overall condition and cleanliness of the air conditioning system. It is recommended to perform an annual tune-up just before the cooling season begins to avoid having to repair it during peak times. When an HVAC specialist performs routine refrigeration maintenance, he inspects and cleans the HVAC system's visible condensate line and drain. An air conditioner tune-up saves money by avoiding extensive (if not all) repairs, which almost always cost more than preventive tune-ups.

During a tune-up, an air conditioning professional eliminates the most common factors that contribute to short cycles of the system. When complete, your HVAC professional will provide homeowners with a report on its status. During tuning of the cooling system, an HVAC contractor will identify any issues that could prevent it from expelling cold air. In addition to regular AC tune-ups, it is also recommended to schedule an annual tune-up of heating systems.

When an HVAC specialist changes filters, evaluates fan motor and checks coolant levels, it eliminates any factors that could cause freezing of your AC system. An HVAC professional will clean and adjust all thermostat wires, replace filter, and clean AC condenser and condenser coil. During a tune-up, an HVAC specialist ensures that all components of your AC system are working properly. In conclusion, an AC tune up does not include freon but it is important to check freon levels as part of a regular maintenance routine in order to ensure optimal performance from your AC unit.

Regular maintenance can help extend its life expectancy while avoiding costly repairs down the line.

Reginald Balogh
Reginald Balogh

Award-winning coffee geek. General food maven. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil analyst. Hardcore food advocate.