5 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Improving AC Efficiency

Maintaining your air conditioning system is essential for its efficiency and longevity. Unfortunately, many homeowners make mistakes that can reduce the performance of their AC units. Here are some of the most common errors to avoid when trying to improve the effic

5 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Improving AC Efficiency

Maintaining your air conditioning system is essential for its efficiency and longevity. Unfortunately, many homeowners make mistakes that can reduce the performance of their AC units. From not using a programmable thermostat to placing furniture near the outdoor unit, here are some of the most common errors to avoid when trying to improve the efficiency of your AC. One of the biggest missteps is closing the ventilation grilles in unused rooms. While it may seem like a logical way to redirect airflow, it actually increases the pressure inside the ducts and causes them to leak over time.

To guarantee proper air circulation, keep all ventilation grilles open. Another mistake is setting the thermostat too low. While it may be tempting to crank up the temperature for a quick cool-down, this will only increase your energy bills. Instead, adjust it to a higher setting and you could save up to 3 percent on your utility bills. Older air conditioners are also less efficient than newer models. If your AC unit is 10 to 12 years old or older, consider replacing it with a newer version for improved energy efficiency and lower monthly bills. Finally, don't try to hide your outdoor unit in an inconvenient location.

Placing furniture or gardening items near it can prevent air circulation and reduce its performance. Keep the area around the unit clear for optimal efficiency.

Reginald Balogh
Reginald Balogh

Award-winning coffee geek. General food maven. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil analyst. Hardcore food advocate.